Over a decade ago, we were introduced to the hazards of blue light exposure to the eye. Alarms were raised, and misinformation abounded Thankfully, the intervening years have provided us with a wealth of research data and knowledge to better educate ourselves and our patients on the role HEY blue light plays relative to glare […]
From Our Blog
What is Keratoconus?
Keratoconus is a progressive eye disease in which the front surface of the eye, called the cornea, begins to thin, and bulge out like a cone. As the cornea changes, it causes light rays to improperly focus causing people to experience blurry and distorted vision, glare, and light sensitivity. Dr Maria Loulourgas specializes in accurately […]
How to Get the Best Eyeglass Lenses
Picking frames that look right is tough enough. After that all-important decision, you still have to choose eyeglass lenses and coatings. Those decisions are key to how well you’ll see and how much you’ll spend. Americans shell out an average of $275 after insurance for new glasses, and most of that money is for lenses—not frames. You […]
We Help You Keep your Vision on High Level
Good vision helps you perform well—at home, at work, or behind the wheel. That’s why it’s important to take a few simple steps to make sure you help keep your eyesight at its best. A regular eye exam is the best way to protect your eyesight – and an easy precaution to take. Here are some tips […]
Make Sure Your Eyes are Prepared for Sunshine
Living in the perpetual sunshine of Florida can be dangerous for our eyes, we can suffer serious damage from UV rays. Just as we protect our skin, we also need to make sure our eyes and especially our children’s eyes are protected. FIVE WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR EYES THIS SUMMER Here’s How… 1. Understand ultraviolet […]
We Help You Select Reading Glasses
Single vision reading glasses offer only one prescription power in the lens and are the most common type of prescription reading glasses.
Eye Floaters
Overview Eye floaters are spots in your vision. They may look to you like black or gray specks, strings, or cobwebs that drift about when you move your eyes and appear to dart away when you try to look at them directly. Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes that occur as the jelly-like […]
Find Your Perfect Pair
If you’re like most people, finding a pair of eyeglasses you like can be more like a nightmare than a dream. But luckily, that’s in the past.
Regular Doctor Appointments Make You Healthier
Seeing a doctor regularly is a vital investment for your health. Regular examinations catch problems early when they are more treatable. This is particularly important for older adults, as susceptibility to illness increases with age.
2021 Makeup Tips for Girls with Glasses
As a girl who wears glasses and loves makeup, I’m often asked for tips on making your eyes stand out behind thicker frames. I’m a firm believer in the “just add glasses” method of makeup application, in that you do your makeup…and then put on your glasses. That being said, there are definitely looks that work […]
Frame Board Management Best Practices with COVID-19 In Mind
In one form or another, we are all working hard to adjust to a new normal and it’s fair to ask: “What does a patient walking into a practice think about purchasing?” Prior to COVID-19, approximately 65% of the average independent practice’s revenue came from prescription eyewear, with 29% specifically from frames. Acknowledging this and […]